четверг, 16 февраля 2017
среда, 15 февраля 2017
январь 2017 мюи мина и аоа
февраль 2017 бигбэнг и хвибёль
февраль 2017 бигбэнг и хвибёль
АЙ ВОНТ ТУ ДАЙ эти тэги меня добили просто нахуй
я только что закончила писать люси-центрик и это всё как повод написать ещё один сэнкс

*went from not trusting supergirl to finding out the bae kara is supergirl to supergirl’s voice bringing her back from myriad*
я только что закончила писать люси-центрик и это всё как повод написать ещё один сэнкс

*went from not trusting supergirl to finding out the bae kara is supergirl to supergirl’s voice bringing her back from myriad*
#listen i have such a soft spot for lucy okay #i know we talk about kara and alex all day long #cuz their sisterhood bonds them to the ends of the earth and beyond #like kara is an alien who was welcomed by a foster family and accepted by friends #alex found her purpose and strength in kara and the deo and even j'onn #and lucy… my lucy #lucy was alienated by her family #her father is a douchebag who just doesn’t think she’s good enough because she doesn’t conform to his beliefs in a neat and complete way #and lois… damn her big sister and her have beef and i wish i understood it #but i think it has something with lois definitely not trying to conform to their father #and lucy needing his approval so always siding with him instead of her sister #so she was just ostracized by everyone who should care for her #so then james became her family and we all know how that worked out #he even up and left to go to a whole new city #and she was unhappy and followed him even though she knew they wouldn’t work #but she needed someone… something to make her feel like she had a purpose #and it wasn’t james #but she found kara. and she found cat albeit very briefly #and then she found the deo #but she found kara let me talk about that now #she felt a strong connection to kara fairly quickly #look at lucy okay #she’s the kind of girl that intimidates people #and kara wasn’t intimidated… well you know… kara was like OH MY GOD YOU’RE SO PRETTY I WANT TO DATE YOU #and for some reason lucy let her walls fall a little around her #she confided in her #and somehow she also became her rock at the deo #lucy doesn’t have many friends #and kara is really one of her best friends #so much so that it’s kara’s voice that gives her hope and pulls her out of myriad via @fuckyeahpikacha #and when Lucy ordered her father to release J'onn she chose her family and its Kara and J'onn and Alex and Susan and the DEO #and also James is going to be a part of that because he’s one of the Superpuppies but this episode was Lucy discovering that #Kara was right #she belongs here #on her own#and I just need all the scenes with J'onn adopting another smol dumb brave hero daughter #and Lucy and Alex and Kara all saving the day #and i hope we get more backstory about Lucy and Lois and I really want them to keep Jenna’s heritage and let Lucy be biracial #and tell us about Lucy’s mom because this show tells stories about mothers and daughters and I need more of that via @racethewind10 |
вторник, 14 февраля 2017